
   I am glad to announce that it is 2019. Let our year of celebration begin. We are a hundred years strong and I see a hundred more to come. We have until the middle of February to finish our unit elections. We need to make one last push to get as many elections complete as possible. With this momentum, we should try to get everyone we can to the Spring Service weekend. We will be preparing for Conclave over the next two months. Remember Conclave is just around the corner, so don’t forget to sign up. We are currently leading the section in signups, with the goal of making this Conclave the biggest one yet. We will be working on setting up for Conclave during Spring Service weekend and also during the Lodge's three service days scheduled for everyone to come out and help.  Those dates are April 6, 13, and 20. So let’s put all our hands together to make this Conclave amazing.

In Your Service,

Preston Wright, Lodge Chief

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