
I hope everyone is getting settled into summer and all the hot weather summer has in store. I am looking forward to all the new members that have been called out this summer and let’s try to invite them to the Fall Service Weekend. We also need to make a big push for our Brotherhood retention. If we make this push and have 80 members do Brotherhood that will help us reach a thriving lodge. We are also going to ask the chapters now that you start planning your unit election visits as well. 

We have been doing great this year and now that Conclave is over it is now time for us Nawakwa lodge to focus on us and our 100 years of service. With us getting to our big day we will be dedicating the new OA Pavilion to the council at Fall Service Weekend. So, get ready by getting your party hats ready to start our celebration into our next hundred years of service.

Yours in service,

Preston Wright

Lodge Chief

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