Due to continuing COVID-19 safety concerns and restrictions, Nawakwa is offering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Ordeal members to complete their Brotherhood virtually.  This special event is being held on the morning of March 20th (9:00 AM - 12:00 NOON), and it is open to ALL Ordeal members.  If you are an Ordeal member, now is the best opportunity for you to seal your membership in the Order of the Arrow by completing the Brotherhood program.  

There will even be separate program presentations and activities for our Brotherhood and Vigil Honor members, so ALL ARE WELCOME and encouraged to participate in this unique opportunity on March 20th.

This is a great time of our Ordeal members to seal their membership in the Order of the Arrow and for our Brotherhood and Vigil Honor members to participate in some fun activities and support the Brotherhood Candidates (Ordeal members) as they go through their virtual ceremony.  Don’t let this opportunity pass you by -- register today!

Click here to register!

[Further information, including Zoom link(s), will be emailed to registered participants by 5:00 PM on Friday, March 19th. Event patch will be mailed to all participants, and Brotherhood sash will be mailed to all new Brotherhood members.]

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