The Lodge is holding a patch design competition for their 2016 event patch, lodge flap and t-shirt.

The requirements of the event patch and t-shirt are as follows:

  • incorporate the theme of the Lodge for next year, which is “Passing the Spirit”
  • a torch (ex. Olympic torch) incorporated into the design
  • the fleur-de-lis
  • the cardinal
  • WWW
  • the lodge name
  • room for text to be added to the bottom of the patch.

The Lodge flap is required to have all of the above except having to be based off of the theme for next year.


This is a lodge wide design competition open to all OA members.

The deadline for the designs are, if the design is hand drawn it is due by the September Service Weekend and if it is digital, October 1st .

Submit to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.