Our year is off to a challenging start. The COVID 19 virus is and will be the top news in 2020. It has affected us all in a big way and as of the timing of this article, there is no signs of slowing down. Social distancing will surely be added to the new words commonly spoken in our vocabulary. This pandemic will end at some point. However, during these challenging times, we must remain calm and have patience. It is more important than ever for us to be reminded of our Admonition.

I have found that communication is one of the most challenging issues during these times. As you can imagine, new information is coming out daily and this dictates our action plans. What we say today may change tomorrow. Through all of this, our communication team has worked hard to ensure accurate information gets posted on social media. Our council, region, section, and lodge are all trying our best to keep you abreast of event postponements, and cancellations. All of these actions are meant to ensure the safety and well-being of all our members. That is and will always be our first priority.

Regardless, the early signs of spring are upon us. Hopefully, the winter blues and the virus scare will be a fleeting memory and our spirits will brighten with the warmer weather soon approaching. Nawakwa Lodge will endure and get back on track. Time doesn’t stand still in our Lodge. Keep on the lookout for camp improvements, especially to our new Lodge Pavilion. We hope soon to have completed new bathrooms, kitchenette, and an administration room. In addition, new flagpoles will be raised and new outdoor grills will be installed.

Through all the gloom and doom, let me share some additional bright spots. Our lodge, led by some very committed volunteers, completed the construction and delivery of anew Adirondack Shelter for Camp Albright Reservation. Check it out. It turned out great. We completed Lodge Leadership Training in January and two very production workdays at camp which included a day building tent platforms and doing a deep clean of our CTBS kitchen areas.

Finally, as you know, we unfortunately had to cancel our Spring Induction Weekend. I regret not having the chance to meet and welcome our newly inducted candidates into the Lodge. We will certainly make up for that at our next Induction Weekend in the summer. In addition, our lodge members missed the opportunity to fulfill their purpose in the lodge with volunteering service to improving our camp properties. As a result, much needed work to prepare camp for the summer did not happen. To address this, camp will be designating several workdays from April through June to ensure our camp is ready for the onslaught of young campers during the six weeks of summer camp. Please stay informed. I hope to count on you to attend one or more of these workdays. Without your help, we will be failing as a lodge to fulfil one of our primary purposes in the lodge…that of service. Remember the obligation you made when you took that oath to become a member in this lodge. I life of cheerful service should be a cornerstone of your character. Reflect on that.

Yours in Brotherhood,

Gary Gibbs

Nawakwa Lodge 3 Adviser

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