As we begin our third quarter of the year, recovery from our Covid-19 outbreak continues to be a slow and deliberant journey to normalcy. Phase 2 of the governor’s recovery plan is a welcomed step forward and Phase 3 is on the horizon but this could change at any time as we have already experienced with several setbacks this year. Summer camp has been cancelled and scouts will have to forego any overnight camping experiences at camp for the immediate future.

Decisions are still pending on what our Fall Induction Weekend and well as Fall Fellowship and Awards Banquet will look like. However, at this time we anticipate both to happen. Let’s also not lose sight of Section events that were rescheduled for the Fall. These included the SR7A Ceremonies and Induction Weekend and Conclave. Neither has been officially cancelled nor even will be. Regardless, make tentative plans for what could be a very busy fall schedule if all goes well.

It was unfortunate that we had to cancel the Spring and Summer Induction Weekends as well as the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) but we can all appreciate the fact that it was done for the safety and well-being of our scouts and scouters.

On the bright side, we still anticipate having a Fall Induction Weekend in September where our newly elected candidates as well as our Brotherhood eligible candidates are way overdue with some well-deserved recognition. Our events might have to look and feel different, but they must remain meaningful and productive to our candidates. I hope we can find that opportunity to finally welcome and congratulate all our new candidates in the lodge. In addition, it will be time again to conduct our officer elections where you will elect new leadership for this lodge in the coming year.

Because our camp has been closed for some time, many have not been given the opportunity to see the progress with our lodge’s OA Pavilion. So many new improvements have been added since its dedication. We now have two fully functional restrooms, a new water fountain, a flag plaza with three newly erected flagpoles. In addition, both rooms are finished. One will house cabinetry for some much needed storage items as well as housing our audio equipment used for our amphitheater. The other will have a new electric range, warmer, and refrigerator and freezer. Across the road from the pavilion is a new picnic area with five grilling stations in close proximity with picnic tables to feast on what was cooked.

Even though camp will remain closed to our campers for the immediate future, our beloved Camp T. Brady Saunders and Cub Adventure Camp still needs to be serviced and maintained for our present and future needs. Service opportunities are being planned throughout the summer months to address the needs of maintaining these camps. I will be counting on our Arrowmen to show their spirit of cheerful service by participating in as many days of service at camp as their schedule permits.

What a crazy year it has been so far. I appreciate every Arrowmen’s patience and perseverance these last few months. It has been challenging times for all of us and it is unfortunately not over. We will continue to navigate our lives with face masks, social distancing and virtual encountering. No doubt we are all anxious to return to some normalcy but we must keep our actions guarded. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Stay strong, dedicated, and safe as we are mindful of our mission and purpose.

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