Summer is almost behind us and the cool months of fall are upon us. What a year it continues to be for all of us. We have weathered the storm for the most part and beginning to cautiously open our lodge again to our patient and dedicated members. Unfortunately, there are not as many of us as in year’s past, but growing our lodge to reach record levels will be our goal as we continue to bring some normalcy to our lives still living in precarious times.

Yet through it all, we have had some success in this challenging year and it’s worth noting. We have completed kitchen improvements to our OA Pavilion, we successfully inducted 128 new Ordeal candidates to our lodge, virtually connected at several Council events, provided the means to conduct virtual unit elections, and provided multiple training opportunities for our members to name a few.

Looking ahead, we anticipate Camp T. Brady Saunders finally opening overnight camping to guests. When that officially happens, we plan to have our second Fall Induction Weekend for Brotherhood Candidates in October followed by our annual Fall Fellowship and Awards Banquet in November. These events will look much different than previous years since we must stay vigilant due to the pandemic. There will also be numerous opportunities to continue our obligation for service as well. Our lodge can help with Reservation Warrior days, Creepy Hollow celebrations, and Trail Crew days.

With only weeks away, our lodge officer election with be held. Because, like many of our events, we have to be mindful of social gatherings and as a result, we are looking at holding a virtual election. In the coming days, you will be introduced to our candidates and the office they are seeking. This will be your most important decision made as a lodge member since your decision will determine your lodge leadership taking us forward for 2021.

Before I wrap this Minute up, heartfelt congratulations to several more dedicated Scouters. First, our lodge is proud of Mr. John Gasink for being presented the 2020 Distinguished Service Award, a national recognition for service to a lodge. Secondly, our lodge is equally proud of our very special OA members, Mr. Michael Ballato, Harold Stills, Jr., Allen Suggs, Ann Bevan, Jason Reedy, and Michael Lynch, for receiving the Silver Beaver Award, the highest recognition awarded by our Council to worthy volunteers for their tireless service. I am honored to know and to serve with them in the OA.

What will next year hold? It is anybody’s guess, but we will continue to be here, even stronger than before. What I see in each of you is what inspires me the most. Your continued spirit and enthusiasm is why our lodge has withstood the test of time. I can’t wait to see better days ahead but I am excited upon the progress we have made. I am honored to be on this ride with you as we close out our year and look ahead to a more promising new year.

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