Here we are again, another year behind us and yet another beginning. Many of us are eager to put 2020 in the rear view mirror. No doubt it was a challenging year. We have heard that before. But the year taught us lots of lessons and from that we will learn from them which will help us become stronger and wiser going forward.

Our year begins with new lodge leadership. They have already begun the planning process for the year to come. I have all the confidence in the world that our lodge remains in good hands as our new officers prove themselves worthy of this confidence placed on them.

So what can we anticipate from each other in the lodge. Surely there will be ups and downs. Events and their schedules will be modified due to how soon we can get the pandemic under control through continued social distancing, masking’s, and frequent hand washing, in addition to finally making vaccinations available to us when our time comes.

So what does the crystal ball tell us? I foresee that all of our LEC positions are filled with capable youth in chairman and vice chairman roles. I see our lodge participating at 80% at all our events, whether virtual or in person. I see our lodge officers visiting 100% of our units during the course of the year. I also see our lodge officers dedicated at attending chapter meetings other than their own.

These predictions are no more than our lodge goals. It will take all of our commitment to turn these words into reality.

In closing, I appreciate those that are sticking with us on the LEC for another year. At the same time, I welcome some new members to the LEC. We are a team and to be effective as a team means we work together, not against one another. We will win and lose as a team. However, losing is not in the OA’s DNA. Let’s push each other to achieve what we thought was not possible. Let’s make 2021 not a year of challenges but a year of accomplishments.

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