Winter and Spring are playing with our minds on deciding which season will dominant for the day. One day we are 80 degrees with a beautiful day and a few days later we are seeing snow fall. One season is a sure thing for us; that being the season for camping and service. 
Time to put the challenges of the past two years behinds us. It is time for us to get out and enjoy fellowship, the outdoors, and the Order of the Arrow.
Your elected Officers and the LEC have been hard at work on a great LLD a few weeks ago and making plans for a great year. Many of them attended a Section Leadership Training weekend and discussed plans for the upcoming Conclave with Shenandoah. Several youth and adults attended two different Section NLS weekends.
We have a service and induction weekend upon us where youth and adults will join our Lodge by going through their Ordeal. Also several Brothers will seal their membership by going through the Brotherhood process.
The Lodge has Trail Crew service planned for April 2nd at Pocahontas State Park, sign up to be part of this event.
Conclave is the last weekend in April, register now and lets go enjoy the Brotherhood shared with the Lodges of Section E9.
NOAC will be the end of July, go be a part of an memorable experience and attend. We will talk more this weekend about NOAC.  
I hope to see all of you this weekend doing Service. If you want to be a part of a certain Lodge team or committee, see one of the Vice Chiefs or talk with a member of the LEC. Get involved with the Lodge doing something you enjoy.
Let us make 2022 a year to strive for and do more for Scouting and OA. Thank you.
Mark Lloyd

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