
Congratulations are once again the order of the day. First, congratulations to our newly elected 2015-2016 Lodge Officers. They have already hit the road running and are planning a great program for the coming year. Please contact them and offer them your help and service as they shape the coming year to be even better.

I would also like to thank Keegan McNulty for his leadership and service to the Lodge. Despite some rather daunting challenges, he helped lead our youth leadership team through some rather exciting changes and worked tirelessly to ensure the transition to a new schedule was as smooth as possible. Best wishes as he joins the ranks of our college bound brothers and embarks on his next life journey. Congratulations on earning the section SR-7A Lodge of the Year award and for making one of the largest non-host Conclaves such a huge success. We are very proud to have taken our largest Conclave contingent to the largest ever Conclave in our sections history. We are Nawakwa!!

I would also like to take a moment and congratulate the Lodge membership and all our Brothers who unselfishly volunteered to help host the recent ArrowTour Century Celebration event. It was an honor and priviledge to be selected as a host lodge for this national event and to showcase our great Heart of Virginia Council and Camp T. Brady Saunders. The regional road crew was extremely impressed with every aspect of the event. We are very proud of the over 50 volunteers who came out to help setup and staff the event throughout the day with over 300 Brothers, visitors and summer camp participants in attendance. Please read more about the event in the following pages and on our social media sites.

Our Lodge continues its journey to excellance by improving our program and membership. This is only possible because we are able to stand firmly on the solid foundations our brothers before us have provided through their unselfish dedication, hard work and cheerful spirit... our future is bright because of this legacy and I look forward to working with each of you in the years ahead to ensure we build a lasting legacy for the next generations of brothers. Now, ON TO NOAC and Michigan State University where we will dedicate ourselves to another century of service...Pass it on!!! Hope to see everyone at the September Service Weekend.

In Brotherhood,
Michael W. Lynch

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