Adviser's Minute: Fall Service/ Fellowship 2018

Brothers, We Are Ready!!! Well, almost… It’s show time in the Heart of Virginia Council and we are a mere seven months from the biggest Conclave in our Sections history. In reality, we are also less than four months away from yet another big milestone in our Lodge’s history.

In February 2019, we will start our journey on a new path in our Lodge by not only extending our membership to our Venture and Sea Scout programs, but also welcoming in female youth members under the age of 21.

Read more: Adviser's Minute: Fall Service/ Fellowship 2018

Adviser Minute, Fall 2018


Ok, who can believe Summer is almost half over already?  Wow…it’s moving fast and we haven’t even had time to breath with so much to do for our Lodge membership.  As of this writing, we are gearing up to leave for the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) in Indiana at Indiana University.  We are taking 18 Arrowmen along with about 8 Lodge members serving on staff at NOAC.  We will have plenty of news coming out of NOAC and hope to share as much as we can with everyone in the weeks ahead.

We are also finalizing all the plans for our Fall Service and Induction weekend with Candidate letters and Brotherhood invitations being dropped into the mail for an August 1st delivery, which will be just past six weeks prior to our event.  I know all who are reading this edition of the Tom-Tom are actively planning on joining us for the Fall weekend.   We are certainly in need of all our Lodge members to get actively involved in the months ahead as we prepare to host the 2019 SR-7A Section Conclave as part of our Centennial year.  That’s right, it’s basically already here…our 100th year as a service organization and National Honor Society of Honor Campers.  We will need so much support to put on the best Conclave our state and our Section has ever seen. 

Read more: Adviser Minute, Fall 2018

Adviser Minute, February 2018


Welcome to 2018!!  What an exciting year we have in store for us.  With Spring just around the corner, we have three big events to keep our Springtime active.   In March we will host our Lodge Leadership Development training and our Spring Induction and Service weekend in order to start preparing our council camps for the busy 2018 camping season as well as welcome our newly elected Scouts as they endeavor to complete their Induction in this our great and honorable Brotherhood.

In April, we head to Camp Rock Enon for CONCLAVE!!!  Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to be part of over 1,000 fellow Arrowmen from across Virginia, meeting in an annual pilgrimage to one of our six Lodge camps to participate in Training, fellowship and in the spirit of great competition amongst our Lodges for the highly coveted Spirit Award and Lodge of the Year.

Read more: Adviser Minute, February 2018

Adviser's Minute, May 2018


It’s Springtime in Virginia!!! The green haze of the tree pollen is all around us and as I write this column we are readying ourselves for a trip to the mountains and Camp Rock Enon for our 2018 Conclave event. For those who are attending, thank you so much for helping and supporting our Lodge as we participate in one of the biggest Conclave events in the Nation. We are truly blessed to be in one of the best sections in the Nation...SR-7A!! We are hopeful that Nawakwa Lodge will be well represented and will showcase our Spirit, Service and competitiveness in true Nawakwa Brotherhood fashion.

Read more: Adviser's Minute, May 2018

Adviser's Minute- Spring 2017


Brothers, I am very excited about the upcoming months of 2017. We have diligently been working on several major initiatives, among them the rollout of a new website and a new and exciting format for our Lodge newsletter, The Tom-Tom. I do apologize for the delays in getting our newsletter published in a timely manner; I know we have inconvenienced many of our Brothers. Change does sometimes come at a cost, but we are back on track to get all of our communications efforts on a more sound footing and back to a more regular publishing schedule.

Read more: Adviser's Minute- Spring 2017

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