Service Weekends and Ordeals

Service Weekends give the Lodge the opportunity to improve and maintain the Heart of Virginia Scout Reservation as well as the opportunity to induct new members. Current members work along side new candidates (participating in their Ordeals) on conservation projects as well as general maintenance projects. Sometimes new areas of the Reservation are constructed by Lodge members and candidates at a Service Weekend. During Service Weekends, eligible Ordeal members are encouraged to strengthen their membership in the Order by participating in the Brotherhood program. Also during Service Weekends, many Lodge committees conduct their business and activities. In the evenings, members enjoy the fellowship of a cracker barrel and the excitement of patch trading. Following the Vespers service on Sunday morning, most Chapters conduct business meetings and welcome their new members.

Fall Fellowships and Awards Banquets

The Fall Fellowship is the time for Arrowmen to experience self enrichment. Training sessions on leadership, the Order, and Scouting, help to develop our members. Brothers also participate in games and competitions as well as visit the Nawakwa Scouting Museum. During the weekend, a Patch & Memorabilia Auction is often held to raise money for the Camp Development Fund. Saturday night is usually host to an extravagant Awards Banquet to celebrate the service that the Lodge has provided during the past year. Several awards are conveyed at this banquet including the Founder's Award, James E. West Fellowship, and the Vigil Honor. Following the Vespers service on Sunday morning, members depart for yet another year of cheerful service.

Service Projects

Service Projects are conducted periodically throughout the year to provide assistance to areas of the community outside of the Heart of Virginia Scout Reservation. The main service project of the Lodge is the Carillon Service Project. At the Carillon Service Project, members assist with the production of the annual Carillon Christmas Pageant as stage hands, ushers, and crowd controllers.

Section Conclaves

Section Conclaves are hosted by a different lodge each year at that Lodge’s council camp, and they are a time of Section-wide training and fellowship. Training includes such topics as Indian Lore, Scouting, Ceremonies, Dance, Promotions, National Policy, and more. Activities many times include; totem pole carving, patch trading, and competitions in such areas as Dance, Ceremonies, Newsletter, sports, and spirit. Lodge spirit is an important part of a Conclave, for each Lodge attempts to demonstrate that its members have the most Scouting Spirit of any Lodge in attendance.

National Order of the Arrow Conferences

A National Order of the Arrow Conference (N.O.A.C.) is similar to a Section Conclave, only on a much larger scale. Lodges from across the nation gather in one location to participate in training, competition, and fellowship. Conducted every two years, N.O.A.C. is an exciting five-day experience for both the new member as well as for the veteran Arrowman. Training is fun yet intense, competitions are fierce, and the patch trading is conducted at a frenzied pace. Some of the best ceremonies and shows ever to be performed in Scouting are presented at each N.O.A.C. Every Arrowman should attend at least one N.O.A.C. during their Scouting career.

Council of Chiefs

The Council of Chiefs is the executive committee of the Section. Is it comprised of the Section Officers as well as the Chiefs of the member Lodges. Advisers attend the meetings, but only in an advisory position: only youth members may hold discussions or vote on issues before the Council. The Council of chiefs meets twice during the Conclave and once in the fall. The fall meeting is a Conclave planning meeting and orientation meeting held at the site of the upcoming Conclave.

Lodge Leadership Development

As a part of the Lodge's enrichment process, the Lodge Leadership Development seminar was created to provide a training experience for Lodge Officers and their Advisers as well as for rising Lodge leaders. The instructors are some of the finest, most experienced OA leaders in the Lodge. Lodge Leadership Training is modeled for practical application, enabling participants to apply their newly acquired skill and information to their positions. Attendance at the seminar is a sound investment for both the Lodge and the individual.

Upcoming Events

Thu Feb 20 @ 7:00PM -
Takachsin Chapter Meeting

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