Lodge Adviser Minute Spring 2022

Winter and Spring are playing with our minds on deciding which season will dominant for the day. One day we are 80 degrees with a beautiful day and a few days later we are seeing snow fall. One season is a sure thing for us; that being the season for camping and service. 
Time to put the challenges of the past two years behinds us. It is time for us to get out and enjoy fellowship, the outdoors, and the Order of the Arrow.
Your elected Officers and the LEC have been hard at work on a great LLD a few weeks ago and making plans for a great year. Many of them attended a Section Leadership Training weekend and discussed plans for the upcoming Conclave with Shenandoah. Several youth and adults attended two different Section NLS weekends.
We have a service and induction weekend upon us where youth and adults will join our Lodge by going through their Ordeal. Also several Brothers will seal their membership by going through the Brotherhood process.
The Lodge has Trail Crew service planned for April 2nd at Pocahontas State Park, sign up to be part of this event.
Conclave is the last weekend in April, register now and lets go enjoy the Brotherhood shared with the Lodges of Section E9.
NOAC will be the end of July, go be a part of an memorable experience and attend. We will talk more this weekend about NOAC.  
I hope to see all of you this weekend doing Service. If you want to be a part of a certain Lodge team or committee, see one of the Vice Chiefs or talk with a member of the LEC. Get involved with the Lodge doing something you enjoy.
Let us make 2022 a year to strive for and do more for Scouting and OA. Thank you.
Mark Lloyd

Lodge Adviser Minute - First Quarter 2021

Here we are again, another year behind us and yet another beginning. Many of us are eager to put 2020 in the rear view mirror. No doubt it was a challenging year. We have heard that before. But the year taught us lots of lessons and from that we will learn from them which will help us become stronger and wiser going forward.

Our year begins with new lodge leadership. They have already begun the planning process for the year to come. I have all the confidence in the world that our lodge remains in good hands as our new officers prove themselves worthy of this confidence placed on them.

So what can we anticipate from each other in the lodge. Surely there will be ups and downs. Events and their schedules will be modified due to how soon we can get the pandemic under control through continued social distancing, masking’s, and frequent hand washing, in addition to finally making vaccinations available to us when our time comes.

So what does the crystal ball tell us? I foresee that all of our LEC positions are filled with capable youth in chairman and vice chairman roles. I see our lodge participating at 80% at all our events, whether virtual or in person. I see our lodge officers visiting 100% of our units during the course of the year. I also see our lodge officers dedicated at attending chapter meetings other than their own.

These predictions are no more than our lodge goals. It will take all of our commitment to turn these words into reality.

In closing, I appreciate those that are sticking with us on the LEC for another year. At the same time, I welcome some new members to the LEC. We are a team and to be effective as a team means we work together, not against one another. We will win and lose as a team. However, losing is not in the OA’s DNA. Let’s push each other to achieve what we thought was not possible. Let’s make 2021 not a year of challenges but a year of accomplishments.

Lodge Adviser Minute - Third Quarter 2020

As we begin our third quarter of the year, recovery from our Covid-19 outbreak continues to be a slow and deliberant journey to normalcy. Phase 2 of the governor’s recovery plan is a welcomed step forward and Phase 3 is on the horizon but this could change at any time as we have already experienced with several setbacks this year. Summer camp has been cancelled and scouts will have to forego any overnight camping experiences at camp for the immediate future.

Decisions are still pending on what our Fall Induction Weekend and well as Fall Fellowship and Awards Banquet will look like. However, at this time we anticipate both to happen. Let’s also not lose sight of Section events that were rescheduled for the Fall. These included the SR7A Ceremonies and Induction Weekend and Conclave. Neither has been officially cancelled nor even will be. Regardless, make tentative plans for what could be a very busy fall schedule if all goes well.

It was unfortunate that we had to cancel the Spring and Summer Induction Weekends as well as the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) but we can all appreciate the fact that it was done for the safety and well-being of our scouts and scouters.

On the bright side, we still anticipate having a Fall Induction Weekend in September where our newly elected candidates as well as our Brotherhood eligible candidates are way overdue with some well-deserved recognition. Our events might have to look and feel different, but they must remain meaningful and productive to our candidates. I hope we can find that opportunity to finally welcome and congratulate all our new candidates in the lodge. In addition, it will be time again to conduct our officer elections where you will elect new leadership for this lodge in the coming year.

Because our camp has been closed for some time, many have not been given the opportunity to see the progress with our lodge’s OA Pavilion. So many new improvements have been added since its dedication. We now have two fully functional restrooms, a new water fountain, a flag plaza with three newly erected flagpoles. In addition, both rooms are finished. One will house cabinetry for some much needed storage items as well as housing our audio equipment used for our amphitheater. The other will have a new electric range, warmer, and refrigerator and freezer. Across the road from the pavilion is a new picnic area with five grilling stations in close proximity with picnic tables to feast on what was cooked.

Even though camp will remain closed to our campers for the immediate future, our beloved Camp T. Brady Saunders and Cub Adventure Camp still needs to be serviced and maintained for our present and future needs. Service opportunities are being planned throughout the summer months to address the needs of maintaining these camps. I will be counting on our Arrowmen to show their spirit of cheerful service by participating in as many days of service at camp as their schedule permits.

What a crazy year it has been so far. I appreciate every Arrowmen’s patience and perseverance these last few months. It has been challenging times for all of us and it is unfortunately not over. We will continue to navigate our lives with face masks, social distancing and virtual encountering. No doubt we are all anxious to return to some normalcy but we must keep our actions guarded. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Stay strong, dedicated, and safe as we are mindful of our mission and purpose.

Lodge Adviser Minute - Fourth Quarter 2020

Summer is almost behind us and the cool months of fall are upon us. What a year it continues to be for all of us. We have weathered the storm for the most part and beginning to cautiously open our lodge again to our patient and dedicated members. Unfortunately, there are not as many of us as in year’s past, but growing our lodge to reach record levels will be our goal as we continue to bring some normalcy to our lives still living in precarious times.

Yet through it all, we have had some success in this challenging year and it’s worth noting. We have completed kitchen improvements to our OA Pavilion, we successfully inducted 128 new Ordeal candidates to our lodge, virtually connected at several Council events, provided the means to conduct virtual unit elections, and provided multiple training opportunities for our members to name a few.

Looking ahead, we anticipate Camp T. Brady Saunders finally opening overnight camping to guests. When that officially happens, we plan to have our second Fall Induction Weekend for Brotherhood Candidates in October followed by our annual Fall Fellowship and Awards Banquet in November. These events will look much different than previous years since we must stay vigilant due to the pandemic. There will also be numerous opportunities to continue our obligation for service as well. Our lodge can help with Reservation Warrior days, Creepy Hollow celebrations, and Trail Crew days.

With only weeks away, our lodge officer election with be held. Because, like many of our events, we have to be mindful of social gatherings and as a result, we are looking at holding a virtual election. In the coming days, you will be introduced to our candidates and the office they are seeking. This will be your most important decision made as a lodge member since your decision will determine your lodge leadership taking us forward for 2021.

Before I wrap this Minute up, heartfelt congratulations to several more dedicated Scouters. First, our lodge is proud of Mr. John Gasink for being presented the 2020 Distinguished Service Award, a national recognition for service to a lodge. Secondly, our lodge is equally proud of our very special OA members, Mr. Michael Ballato, Harold Stills, Jr., Allen Suggs, Ann Bevan, Jason Reedy, and Michael Lynch, for receiving the Silver Beaver Award, the highest recognition awarded by our Council to worthy volunteers for their tireless service. I am honored to know and to serve with them in the OA.

What will next year hold? It is anybody’s guess, but we will continue to be here, even stronger than before. What I see in each of you is what inspires me the most. Your continued spirit and enthusiasm is why our lodge has withstood the test of time. I can’t wait to see better days ahead but I am excited upon the progress we have made. I am honored to be on this ride with you as we close out our year and look ahead to a more promising new year.

Lodge Adviser Minute - Second Quarter 2020

Our year is off to a challenging start. The COVID 19 virus is and will be the top news in 2020. It has affected us all in a big way and as of the timing of this article, there is no signs of slowing down. Social distancing will surely be added to the new words commonly spoken in our vocabulary. This pandemic will end at some point. However, during these challenging times, we must remain calm and have patience. It is more important than ever for us to be reminded of our Admonition.

I have found that communication is one of the most challenging issues during these times. As you can imagine, new information is coming out daily and this dictates our action plans. What we say today may change tomorrow. Through all of this, our communication team has worked hard to ensure accurate information gets posted on social media. Our council, region, section, and lodge are all trying our best to keep you abreast of event postponements, and cancellations. All of these actions are meant to ensure the safety and well-being of all our members. That is and will always be our first priority.

Regardless, the early signs of spring are upon us. Hopefully, the winter blues and the virus scare will be a fleeting memory and our spirits will brighten with the warmer weather soon approaching. Nawakwa Lodge will endure and get back on track. Time doesn’t stand still in our Lodge. Keep on the lookout for camp improvements, especially to our new Lodge Pavilion. We hope soon to have completed new bathrooms, kitchenette, and an administration room. In addition, new flagpoles will be raised and new outdoor grills will be installed.

Through all the gloom and doom, let me share some additional bright spots. Our lodge, led by some very committed volunteers, completed the construction and delivery of anew Adirondack Shelter for Camp Albright Reservation. Check it out. It turned out great. We completed Lodge Leadership Training in January and two very production workdays at camp which included a day building tent platforms and doing a deep clean of our CTBS kitchen areas.

Finally, as you know, we unfortunately had to cancel our Spring Induction Weekend. I regret not having the chance to meet and welcome our newly inducted candidates into the Lodge. We will certainly make up for that at our next Induction Weekend in the summer. In addition, our lodge members missed the opportunity to fulfill their purpose in the lodge with volunteering service to improving our camp properties. As a result, much needed work to prepare camp for the summer did not happen. To address this, camp will be designating several workdays from April through June to ensure our camp is ready for the onslaught of young campers during the six weeks of summer camp. Please stay informed. I hope to count on you to attend one or more of these workdays. Without your help, we will be failing as a lodge to fulfil one of our primary purposes in the lodge…that of service. Remember the obligation you made when you took that oath to become a member in this lodge. I life of cheerful service should be a cornerstone of your character. Reflect on that.

Yours in Brotherhood,

Gary Gibbs

Nawakwa Lodge 3 Adviser

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