In the previous Adviser minute, I opened with a simple challenge…It was show time…time for our Lodge to host the centennial celebration of the Order of the Arrow in the great State of Virginia.  To not only host the centennial celebration, but to make it the largest in Virginia history and in Section SR-7A history.  WOW!!!  Did you ever step up to the challenge…Over 1,260 Arrowmen and guests surpassed not only the section goal of 1,200, but Nawakwa Lodge had 428 of our Arrowmen in attendance, making this one of the LARGEST Lodge contingents ever.  

Our Lodge provided a huge service to our home camps with over 1,400 hours of service over three separate work weekends.  Our Conclave Service Lodge Committee, under the leadership of Matt and Mark, along with countless Nawakwa Lodge members serving as Conclave staff made this one of the BEST and Largest Conclaves in our history, in spite of the Friday night power challenges.  Our partnership with the Section’s Conclave leadership to facilitate all of the training, fellowship and service will be the hallmark in which all future Conclaves will be measured for years to come.  I am extremely proud of our Arrowmen who supported our leadership’s efforts to make our central theme of “Great Friendly Customer Service” not only a great slogan, but a personal commitment to every Conclave participant from all our Virginia Lodges.  Well done!!! 

In addition to a great Conclave, our Lodge also witnessed the groundbreaking of our new OA Lodge Pavilion that has been in the planning and fundraising stages for the past 5 years.  Our Lodge fundraising efforts have secured over $500,000.00 for the project and our Lodge leadership is currently working with the HOVC Council and the Executive Board to complete the project by the end of summer 2019. We are currently planning to dedicate our new facility at our Fall Service weekend in September. This new facility will provide a significant improvement to the camp and provide enhanced program space for OA, District and Council events for the next century.  You can still obtain one of the limited edition OA pavilion Lodge flap sets that was issued to help with the needed funding by visiting

I would like to take this time to welcome our newest Lodge members who completed their induction at the Spring Service and Induction weekend in March.  Among the new members were our first Scouts BSA members, including those from Venture Crews and Ships which joined the ranks of the Order of the Arrow in February 2019.  This is truly an exciting time and we look forward to building this new relationship and continue this journey together to broaden our membership in the Order of the Arrow bringing a whole new dimension to our obligation and our admonition. 

And now for the hard part…after serving this great youth organization for the past six years, it is my time to say farewell as the Lodge Adviser for the greatest Lodge in the history of our organization.  Nawakwa Lodge 3, a Centennial Lodge.  Yes, that is fact and not just my bias towards our awesome members, young and old, that make up our Lodge family.  I have been truly blessed and humbled to have been able to serve our Lodge in this capacity.  It has been one of the most rewarding opportunities that I have had in Scouting. Together we have served our Council well and have been able to honor the legacy our Leaders and Brothers before have built for us as well as shore up the solid foundation in which we serve for those members in our next century of service.  I wish to thank Mack Ruffin for his leadership, support and most importantly his friendship and guidance on this journey not only to me over the past six years, but to our Lodge over the past 30+ years.  I would also like to thank the young men that have served our Lodge as Lodge Chief over the past several years and that I have had the privilege and pleasure of serving as their mentor.  Alan, Keegan, Ryan, Trey, Kyle and Preston, you all shouldered a heavy load serving our Lodge and members in your capacity as Lodge Chief and each of you did a phenomenal service during your time as Chief. I was extremely proud of you during your service to the Lodge, but even more proud of your continued growth and service to your country, community and to your Brothers of Nawakwa Lodge.  It is a life long journey and I wish each of you continued success in your leadership responsibilities not only as Eagle Scouts, but as Arrowmen and ambassadors of our Order and our Obligation…each of you will always be considered our Lodge Chief even if it may be preceded by the words “Past” or “Former”.  It has truly been a privilege to serve with you Gentlemen.  Thank you for your service and your continued friendship. 

And with that, I would like to welcome to the next Lodge Adviser, Mr. Gary Gibbs, and thank him for accepting the responsibilities as your new Lodge Adviser effective June 2nd, 2019.  I ask all our members to help him continue our Lodge Legacy of service and get our next century off to a great start.  As always, I will finish this final adviser minute as I have done many times before, with a challenge to each Brother, our Lodge continues its journey of excellence by improving our program, membership and funding. This is only possible because we are able to stand firmly on the solid foundations that our brothers before us have provided through their unselfish dedication, hard work and cheerful spirit.  Our future is bright because of this legacy and I look forward to working with our new Lodge leadership and with each of you to ensure we continue to build a lasting legacy for the next generations of our Brothers.  Be sure to volunteer to help at one of the upcoming events; your service is greatly needed and I know Gary, the Chief and future Chief's will greatly appreciate all the help and service you can provide!!

I’m looking forward to seeing our members at the upcoming Summer Service and Induction weekend as well as the dedication of our new OA pavilion in September 2019!!!

Yours in Brotherhood,
Michael Lynch | Lodge Adviser
Nawakwa Lodge 3

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