Chief's Bonnet - First Quarter 2021

As we come upon our new year we have many challenges to face. First I would like to congratulate the new officers that will be working with me this year on a long journey. It is no easy task to hold a Vice Chief role, and I’m looking forward to what these great leaders have in store for 2021.
Ross H. - Vice Chief of Administration
Matthew C. - Vice Chief of Program
Caleb F. - Vice Chief of Communications
With this group of leaders, we have much planned for the upcoming challenges 2021 has for us. We are having a virtual LLD on the 23rd for all arrowmen that are interested and we will be having our March service weekend coming soon, and we have a lot of great plans on how we are going to execute a great first service weekend. I look forward to seeing everyone there!

Chief's Bonnet - Third Quarter 2020

Brothers, Summer is finally here and I hope everyone is enjoying the great outdoors. We are looking for great ways to bring OA to you. We recently had a Nawakwa game night and some great training. We will be doing more events like these in the near future. Also, be on the lookout for some possible service opportunities! Some upcoming events to look forward to are the Fall service weekend on September 18-20th. The SR-7A  Conclave held on October 2nd-4th will be here before we know it and I can't wait to see everyone in steampunk . I am really pumped to be able to attend these events and can’t wait to attend them. I also hope to see you guys at one of our next zoom events. So remember to check our Facebook, email, and Instagram for some upcoming events.

Chief's Bonnet - August 2019


I hope everyone is getting settled into summer and all the hot weather summer has in store. I am looking forward to all the new members that have been called out this summer and let’s try to invite them to the Fall Service Weekend. We also need to make a big push for our Brotherhood retention. If we make this push and have 80 members do Brotherhood that will help us reach a thriving lodge. We are also going to ask the chapters now that you start planning your unit election visits as well. 

We have been doing great this year and now that Conclave is over it is now time for us Nawakwa lodge to focus on us and our 100 years of service. With us getting to our big day we will be dedicating the new OA Pavilion to the council at Fall Service Weekend. So, get ready by getting your party hats ready to start our celebration into our next hundred years of service.

Yours in service,

Preston Wright

Lodge Chief

Chief's Bonnet - February 2020

Fellow Arrowmen, I am excited to see what we can accomplish this year as a Lodge. Some upcoming events that you should put on your calendar are the March Inductions Weekend (March 15-18), SR-7A Inductions and Ceremonies Summit or Nawakwa Spring Trail Crew (April 3-4) and CONCLAVE (April 24-26).
At our March Inductions weekend, We will be showcasing Nawakwa’s Conclave theme ~ ‘Making it to the future’ with Arrowmen coming in their best steampunk attire. Also most importantly at Conclave, we will be able to show off our Nawakwa Spirit and enjoy fellowship with our Brothers from the other Lodges. This year we will be traveling to Camp Shenandoah in Swope, VA being hosted by Shenandoah Lodge #258. We need everyone there so Nawkawa can be properly represented.
Prior to Conclave, as an added bonus you are encouraged to attend the SR-7A Inductions and Ceremonies Summit to learn about inductions and ceremonies.
As your Lodge Chief, I am excited to be working with your LEC this upcoming 2020 year to make our Lodge a High Performing lodge and provide the best program for you.
Yours in Wimachtendienk, Wingolauchsik, Witahemui
Joshua Lyle
Nawakwa Lodge #3 Lodge Chief 2019-2020



Chief's Bonnet: May 2019


It has been a busy Spring!  Since our last issue of the Tom-Tom, we’ve had some great events like, CONCLAVE!  We hosted over 1,260 people at T. Brady Saunders for Conclave. I would like to thank all the people that helped with as service team at Conclave. I would also like to give a special thanks to Mark Lloyd and Matt Terhune for making sure Conclave went smoothly.  For those of you who attended Conclave, you know it was amazing.  I want to congratulate everyone for helping to bring the biggest contingent of Arrowmen to Conclave this year.  I want to remind everyone that elections are coming around in the upcoming service weekend, so I look to see everyone there. There will be lots of great candidates to choose from, so come out and support your fellow brothers in running for office. We are doing a great job on our current Lodge goals and we need to keep pushing for brotherhood conversions.  Mark your calendars and share with your units the upcoming events: the summer service and induction weekend is May 31st to June 2nd (don't for get to register), the fall service and induction weekend is September 13-15.  The 2019 Fall Fellowship, Our Centennial, celebrating our 100 years of Nawakwa 3 as a Lodge is November 9-11.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day!

Yours in Service,
Preston Wright
Lodge Chief

Upcoming Events

Thu Feb 20 @ 7:00PM -
Takachsin Chapter Meeting

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