My Brothers,

If you haven’t registered for Fall Fellowship you still have time!

This is a great time to celebrate our year, recognize special individuals that have made a difference, hear of the upcoming news for the year and the 100 year celebration “Conclave”.  This Fall Fellowship we have a new Supreme Chief of Fire, George McGovern, who will address the lodge at the Feast. With the cancelation of Fall Service weekend due to Florence, we will have a “twist” into Fall Fellowship.  We will combine our Fall Fellowship with Ordeal and Brotherhood. This is not the first time we’ve had to combine our Fall Fellowship with cheerful service.

In 2008 we had a similar situation. The Lodge Executive Committee has been hard at work to ensure a full, exciting weekend so make sure you are attending, we will have plenty of activities of games and Fellowship. 

At NOAC and Southern Region NLS/DYLC, Nawakwa was well represented. We had eighteen of our Brothers go to NOAC, five who staffed. Our Ceremony Team was in the opening show. Dance Team also took 1st place in the Dance Team competition.  At Southern Region NLS/DYLC, we had the largest group to attend with eighteen youth and seven adults participating in Leadership Developing and working with youth.  It made a great impact on our Lodge leadership. Nawakwa’s cheerful service continues, we would like to give a special recognition to our Food Service for the outstanding work in serving the food for the Southern Region Conference.  

Some upcoming things: I want to see everyone from Nawakwa at Creepy Hollow and Conclave. We are going out to help at our Council’s annual Creepy Hollow for the Cub Scouts. This is a great time to have fun with Cub Scouts and to show everyone what the OA is really about! Next, we have Conclave. We as Nawakwa Lodge will be celebrating our 100-year anniversary! So, we want to make this Conclave the biggest and best it has ever been. I need everyone to come out and support. Registration opens at the end of this month so be on the lookout for that.

Again thank you for everyone’s support with Hurricane Florence.

Yours in Service,
Preston Wright
Lodge Chief

Upcoming Events

Thu Mar 20 @ 7:00PM -
Takachsin Chapter Meeting

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