Fellow Arrowmen, I am excited to see what we can accomplish this year as a Lodge. Some upcoming events that you should put on your calendar are the March Inductions Weekend (March 15-18), SR-7A Inductions and Ceremonies Summit or Nawakwa Spring Trail Crew (April 3-4) and CONCLAVE (April 24-26).
At our March Inductions weekend, We will be showcasing Nawakwa’s Conclave theme ~ ‘Making it to the future’ with Arrowmen coming in their best steampunk attire. Also most importantly at Conclave, we will be able to show off our Nawakwa Spirit and enjoy fellowship with our Brothers from the other Lodges. This year we will be traveling to Camp Shenandoah in Swope, VA being hosted by Shenandoah Lodge #258. We need everyone there so Nawkawa can be properly represented.
Prior to Conclave, as an added bonus you are encouraged to attend the SR-7A Inductions and Ceremonies Summit to learn about inductions and ceremonies.
As your Lodge Chief, I am excited to be working with your LEC this upcoming 2020 year to make our Lodge a High Performing lodge and provide the best program for you.
Yours in Wimachtendienk, Wingolauchsik, Witahemui
Joshua Lyle
Nawakwa Lodge #3 Lodge Chief 2019-2020



Upcoming Events

Thu Mar 20 @ 7:00PM -
Takachsin Chapter Meeting

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