Happy New Year!  It is hard to believe that another new year is beginning.  Before that begins, we can reflect on the end of our last year with some pretty lofty accomplishments.   We dedicated our Lodge Pavilion Fireplace to our Past Chiefs, we celebrated our Lodge’s Centennial Year at Fall Fellowship, we began work on our Lodge’s donation of a second Adirondack Shelter at Albright Reservation, and we staffed the Annual Richmond Nativity Pageant in Richmond.  And finally, we capped off our year by attaining a “Thriving” status for our lodge following our new Performance Measurement Program implemented in 2019. Job well done!

Now it is time for us to focus on another exciting year ahead of us.  Our year will begin with our first Lodge Executive Meeting where our Lodge vision and goals will be revealed.  Upcoming events will include Lodge Leadership Development training in January, OA Induction/Service Weekend in March, and both OA Section Induction and Ceremonies Summit and Section Conclave in April.  Be sure not to miss out and get these events scheduled on your calendar now.

Look for changes in 2020, big and small.  Just a few things to mention. We look to complete our OA pavilion with finished bathrooms, kitchenette, and administration rooms.  We look to raise three new flagpoles at our pavilion as well. Look for improvements to our ceremonial ring and a proper dedication of this ring to our beloved Finance Adviser lost this last year.  We will also bring back the Chapter of the Year Award that’s been absent for a couple years and again challenge our chapters with friendly competition to see which chapter stands out among the rest.  These are just a few snippets of things to come in 2020.

I am asking each of us as members of this great Order to set our sights high in 2020.  To continue our lodge’s past success, we must set our goals high and exceed expectations to ensure our future success.  This will not happen if become complacent with our processes and actions. Let’s challenge ourselves to improve in every aspect of how we set individual, committee, chapter, and lodge goals and then continue to be mindful of them throughout the year.  By doing so, I hope we can look back at another year and be proud of what we accomplished knowing each of us made a unique difference in Nawakwa Lodge 3.  

Yours in Brotherhood,

Gary Gibbs

Nawakwa Lodge 3 Adviser

Upcoming Events

Thu Feb 20 @ 7:00PM -
Takachsin Chapter Meeting

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