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Ceremonies Team Practice
Sunday, March 05, 2017, 01:00pm
Hits : 319






Lodge members:




Do you remember being impressed and in total awe by the awesome message of our founding brethren during the ceremonies in which you were participants during your ordeal induction?




Were you thinking how cool it would be to be able to perform that impressive ceremony totally from memory and to be a part of a team of dedicated Arrowmen who are considered the caretakers of our legacy and delivering our message to future generations of Arrowmen?




This is an invitation to participate in the upcoming circle of ceremonialists and lay witness to the incredible dedication and service our lodge ceremony team provides to our members.




As we prepare for the upcoming March Service weekend and Ordeal, the Ceremonies Team will be starting practices! YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND if you are interested in joining the Team or just want to observe!


We will have practices on Sundays at St. David’s Episcopal Church in Chesterfield County.  






Location: St. David's Episcopal Church, 1801 Camborne Road, North Chesterfield, VA 23236




Time: 1:00 pm




Practice Dates:


  • Sunday, February 19
  • Sunday, February 26
  • Sunday, March 5
  • Sunday, March 12




Service Weekend: March 17-19




Ceremonies Team Advisor, Chairman and Associate Advisors






Attention:  It is our Lodge policy to include parents/guardians in all communications to lodge members under the age of 18 years.  Unfortunately, we cannot accept requests to remove email communications while youth members are active, dues paying participants of the Lodge due to youth protection guidelines.  Please help us keep our youth active, informed and engaged in the greatest youth leadership program in the nation.





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