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2015 SR-7A Conclave
From Friday, April 24, 2015 -  08:00am
To Sunday, April 26, 2015 - 05:00pm
Hits : 633
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Hosted by Wahunsenakah Lodge #333
Bayport Scout Reservation in Jamaica, VA
Trading Post Pre-order Deadline is February 28
*Registration Deadline March 18*
$15 Late Fee imposed March 19 - April 15

Registration and Pre-order Information Available Here

Conclave 2015 will be hosted by Wahunsenakah Lodge #333 at Bayport Scout Reservation in Jamaica, Virginia. The dates are April 24-26, 2015. The lodge registration fee is $50.00. Transportation will be coordinated by chapters. A conclave is where the lodges of the section (Section SR-7A consists of 6 Virginia lodges) get together for training, competition, and fellowship. Of course, the Saturday night block party is a feast that shouldn’t be missed. Conclave also gives OA members the opportunity to visit the different camps across the state.

In order to register, please complete the online registration form (link, above) and pay online via credit card or send your total payment to the council office by March 18th. In order to pre-order any of the souvenir items (whether or not you plan to attend the event), please do so on the online registration form and send your payment by February 28th.  Late registrations (with an additional $15 late fee) will be accepted online with payment due online or at the council office by April 15th. 

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