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2017 SR-7A Conclave
From Friday, April 28, 2017 -  08:00am
To Sunday, April 30, 2017 - 05:00pm
Hits : 791

Register now for Conclave!

2017 marks SR-7A's 20th Anniversary, and Conclave will feature a Birthday Celebration for the section as well as a variety of new and exciting games and program areas that make attending Conclave a must! In addition, all of the old favorites such as the Friday Night Carnival, Quest for the Golden Arrow Games, American Indian Activities and , Saturday Night FireFest, the Expo, and more will be happening at Conclave! Visit the Section website and register today for the most exciting OA event in Virginia this year! Spread the word about Conclave, and we look forward to seeing you at Pipsico Scout Reservation on the weekend of April 28-30, 2017!

Registration for the 2017 SR-7A Conclave is now live! To sign up or to learn more about this exciting event, visit today!

Location Pipsico Scout Reservation

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