Well it has been a very busy year.  We have had many changes to articles and things happening in the OA family causing delays.  Though all of this, the youth have stepped up to make changes to communications that will impact the lodge for the better.  The Vice Chief (VC) of Communications, Collin W., has coordinated, planned and supported the communications chairs to make great strides in their committees to develop new communications for the Lodge.    What does this mean for you? 

Lets take a look… The first issue of the Smoke Signals has been planed to come out in preparation for this Spring Service weekend. This is a way to get updated information out to the Lodge without the publishing of a Tom-Tom to keep you Updated.  This concept was developed and implemented by our communications youth.  They have stepped up and created the Articles, learned web development, implemented ways to create and edit our Tom-Tom and Smoke Signals without the extra cost of software to the lodge.  Our Electronics Communications Chair, Gabriel W., has put this together and is working to build a team to help support the Lodge in electronic communications.  If you are interested, please reach out and contact him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

Our Marketing and Branding Chair, Carter W., stepped up and is working with our 100th Anniversary Committee to develop new things for the upcoming anniversary.  These will be available at www.nawakwa.org under the swag tab at the top of the page, or under www.nawakwa.org/store.  He is also the one who did the artwork for the Smoke Signals header, this was done based on collaborative thinking between all of the communications committees.  If you want to help out with projects like these, contact him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

Our Camp Promotions Chair, Ty-Zachory B., has also stepped up and is developing a new Where to Go Camping Guide and developing the way forward for the Camp Promotions Team.  He is working with previous camp promotions Chairs to develop information and update you on the latest information on camp promotions.  If you are interested in working on the team to develop the way forward with camp promotions, contact him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

We are currently one staff member short though.  The VC of Communications has also had to step up and fill this position and we could use your help developing and moving forward with the Secretary/ Lodge Publications Committee.  They help in the development of the Tom-Tom and Smoke Signals, learn to take official meeting minutes and develop a team to accomplish the tasks of this committee.  If you are interested or want to find out more about one of these committees, contact Collin W. at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our Lodge is only as strong as it’s youth, and the Lodge Communications Team has stepped up this year to support the Anniversary, Conclave and all the other Events.  The Advisers to these Communications greatly appreciate the dedication and leadership that these youth have displayed in their commitment and dedication to the Lodge.  www.nawakwa.org Nawakwa, Lodge 3, 100 Years of Service.


Upcoming Events

Thu May 16 @ 7:00PM -
Takachsin Chapter Meeting