The National Order of the Arrow Committee after months of collaborative work with ceremonialists and lodge leadership representatives announces the following policy change. This policy change will apply to ALL Order of the Arrow lodges and chapters.

We know that lodges and chapters are frequently asked to perform Arrow of Light and crossover ceremonies for Cub Scout packs, which is an appropriate service in support of our packs. That said, we have had many complaints surrounding these ceremonies from various American Indian tribes due to the manner in which they are conducted as well as the inconsistent nature in which they are performed.

Beginning January 1, 2019 lodges and chapters that are asked to conduct Arrow of Light or crossover ceremonies for Cub Scout packs will only be permitted to conduct them using the new approved official ceremonies which can be found in the OA Inductions Portal. These ceremonies are to be conducted in a Scout uniform and are no longer permitted to be done in American Indian regalia.

We appreciate your adherence to this new policy. There will be opportunities to visit with the Inductions and Ceremonies Events staff at NOAC should you have any questions.

Cub Crossover ceremony

Arrow of Light ceremony

Upcoming Events

Thu Mar 20 @ 7:00PM -
Takachsin Chapter Meeting

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